
<blockquote class="a-quote">
    &quot;I’ve never been to a virtual conference, but Confab online was 100x better than any other conference I’ve been to before—polished and professional, yet completely human.&quot;
    <footer class="a-quote__footer">
            <img class="a-quote__avatar" src="/assets/images/author.png" alt="citatbild">
        Paloma Picasso
<blockquote class="a-quote">
	<footer class="a-quote__footer">
			<img class="a-quote__avatar" src="/assets/images/author.png" alt="citatbild">
  "name": "Quote",
  "quote": "\"I’ve never been to a virtual conference, but Confab online was 100x better than any other conference I’ve been to before—polished and professional, yet completely human.\"",
  "quotee": "Paloma Picasso"
  • Content:
    @charset "UTF-8";
    @include atom(quote) {
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    		display: flex;
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  • URL: /components/raw/quote/_quote.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/atoms/quote/_quote.scss
  • Size: 446 Bytes

No notes defined.